How Much Does Subsidence Devalue a Property

Subsidence can be a major issue for homeowners in the UK. It can cause extensive damage to property, and devalue its market value significantly. This article explores how much subsidence affects a property’s worth and what measures you can take to reduce its impact.

We will look at the causes of subsidence, the warning signs to look out for, and how to go about resolving the problem. Finally, we will provide an estimation of just how much subsidence can devalue a property. So read on to find out more!

How Do You Know If Your House Has Subsidence?

The most common sign of subsidence is cracking appearing in the walls or floors of a property. These can range from hairline fractures to more obvious signs such as large gaps in brickwork or floorboards that have been lifted. Other warning signs include doors and windows becoming difficult to open and close, external walls bulging, and an uneven floor. If these signs are present, then it is likely that your property is suffering from subsidence.

In rare cases, small trees or shrubs near the house may begin to die off due to the roots not receiving enough oxygen. This is another good indicator of subsidence and should be taken seriously.

This is not an exhaustive list, however, and if you suspect that your property is affected there are a number of methods to find out for sure. The most effective way is to have a surveyor come and inspect the building, however, you can also check with local authorities who may have records if subsidence has been a problem in your area in the past.

What Causes Subsidence?

Subsidence is caused by the ground beneath a property becoming unstable. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including tree roots extracting too much moisture from the soil, heavy rain washing away the soil around foundations or drainage systems that are not working correctly and can lead to flooding.

If you believe that one of these factors is contributing to subsidence in your property, it is important to take action as soon as possible.

How Does Subsidence Affect a Property’s Value?

Subsidence can have a huge impact on the value of a property. On average, properties that suffer from subsidence can be devalued by around 10-20% plus the values of any repairs, although this figure can be much higher in some cases.

It is important to note that subsidence can be repaired, and the value of a property should not decrease significantly as long as the issue is addressed promptly.

Can You Fix A House With Subsidence?

The best way to fix a property that has subsidence is to hire a professional building expert. They will be able to assess the extent of the damage and recommend the most appropriate course of action. This could involve underpinning, installing extra support beneath the ground, or raising the floor level by filling in areas with concrete and soil. If tree roots are the culprit, then removing them may be necessary.

Subsidence can be a tricky problem to tackle, but with experience and knowledge, it is possible to fix and restore your property back to its former glory. Once the repairs have been completed, you should make sure that all of the causes of subsidence have been addressed to prevent it from occurring again in the future.

Should I Buy A Property With Subsidence?

If a property you are considering buying has subsidence, it is important to remember that it can be fixed. However, this comes at a cost and could mean major disruption for some time. It also means there is significant risk associated with the purchase, as it’s impossible to know how much damage has already been done or if further problems will be uncovered during the repair process.

Ultimately, this is a decision you will need to make based on your own circumstances and comfort level with risk. If you do decide to go ahead with buying a property with subsidence, it is important to get independent advice from experts in both building and finance so that you are fully informed before making any decisions.

Can You Live In A House With Subsidence?

The short answer is yes, you can live in a house with subsidence. However, it is important to note that repair and maintenance costs associated with subsidence may be high, so this should be taken into account before deciding on whether or not to purchase a property that has been affected by this issue.

In most cases, it is possible to find a solution that will allow you to live in and enjoy the property, but you should always be aware of the risks involved. Ultimately, it is important to get professional advice and make an informed decision before making any commitments.

Should I Buy A House With Subsidence History

What if there is a history of subsidence in a house, but the issues have been repaired? In this case, it is important to remember that subsidence can return if the underlying cause of the problem is not addressed, or if another factor causes the ground beneath a property to become unstable.

It is therefore essential to have an independent surveyor carry out checks on any house you are considering buying in order to assess the risk of subsidence occurring again. If there is a risk, you may want to reconsider your purchase or ensure that appropriate measures are taken to reduce the chances of subsidence re-occurring. Ultimately, this is a decision that needs to be made on an individual basis.

Can I Insure A House With Subsidence?

Yes, it is possible to insure a house with subsidence. However, the amount of coverage provided may be limited, and you may need to pay an extra premium or take out additional insurance in order to receive full protection against potential subsidence-related problems.

It is important to check with your insurer that they will provide adequate coverage for any existing issues or potential problems that may arise in the future. It is also recommended to get advice from an expert who can assess the extent of any damage and recommend any necessary work.


Subsidence can be a major headache for homeowners, but it’s important to remember that subsidence can be fixed if addressed promptly and professionally. However, it is important to remember that there will almost always be a decrease in property value due to subsidence, so make sure

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